Maybe it's been awhile since I've read Darkfever or the fact that I haven't read paranormal in awhile. Maybe I haven't read any reviews on this so I'm out of the loop. Because I just read Bloodfever and I'm so lost. Lost and confused and frustrated. What the heck is going on here? I'm too lazy to look up the summaries on Darfever, but from my recollection, MacKayla went to Ireland to find clues about her sister's death. She meets some random guy Jericho who owns a bookstore but who also knows a ton about the Fae world. We don't know much about him and the guy barely talks. They're both looking for this Fae book that holds some kind of power. Mac runs into a death-by-sex fae while trying to escape these shadow things. Then she faces the Lord Master or whatever he's called at the end of the book, Jericho saves her, and that's where Darkfever ends. Right? So now Bloodfever picks up right where DF left off. As far as I'm concerned, there wasn't much progress made since the last book. MacKayla is still wandering around looking for clues on her sister's death. Jericho won't tell her anything and she's still running away from shades and creepy Irish men. I'm sorry, I'm trying to get into this series, really I am. I just can't. It's moving so slooooow. I don't even really like Jericho much. Isn't there supposed to be some intense sexual build up between the two? I don't really see it. She's too young for him and he just does whatever he wants with her, making her go with him to shady auctions and tattooing her while she's unconscious. Bleh, that's all I have to say. I'm not feeling it. Again, maybe it's just me. Does anyone else think I'm totally crazy and this book is super fabulous? I'd love to know. Labels: Daphne's reviews |
My contribution to the conversation is that I have the book in my tbr. Your review isn't very encouraging, so I probably won't be reading it anytime soon either. :D