I've been getting really annoyed with Gen Y kids these days. I realize I'm being a total hypocrite because technically, I was born in 1982, so that makes me a Gen Y kid. Whatever. This post is mainly referring to people younger than me at work. The staff in our firm who are either right out of college or have gone through one year with the firm. I could go on and on about work related issues of why I'm annoyed with Gen Y kids, but instead I'm going to focus on one specific topic - Gen Y's who live in the Orange County (the OC).
I've never lived in the OC, but now that I work here, I realize that the culture is so different from how I grew up in LA county. Take my friend Alex, for example. Last night we were driving home from swing dance class, and he turned to look at me, saw the sweater I was wearing, and said "You might want to put that thing in a shredder. It makes you look like a hobo." I just shrugged and said "Meh, I'm not trying to impress anyone at dance class, and I sure as hell ain't trying to impress you."
Then we got back to my house (where his car was parked) and we were talking about text messaging. Well apparently my phone doesn't have all the neat gadgets his does because he said my phone was old and I needed a new one. Hello! I just got this phone less than a year ago. And to finally seal the deal and kick me when I'm already down, Alex finishes with "Yah, you live at home, your car is old, your phone is old, and you wear hobo clothes. You must have a lot of money saved up." I guess I was tired because it didn't really sink in... until this morning.
I swear I woke up this morning just feeling angry. Not the way to start the day. I realized, hey wait a minute, that was pretty insulting and mean of him to say all those things to me last night. How dare he! Sorrrrreee if I don't drive a new Audi like you, or drive a BMW like oh I dunno.. at least five other staff I know in our office. Seriously now, is there something I don't know about the staff pay? Should I quit and get rehired as a staff? How can they afford beamers? Answer... they don't. Their parents help them out. Which is fine, I'm not pissed about that. But I am pissed that these kids have pretty much lost touch with reality and what is considered "poor/ghetto" to them is not to most others. And meanwhile I look like a square to them because I'm saving money rather than living it up. How does that make sense? That is classic Gen Y right there.
So yah, I'm really pissed and hurt by Alex right now and I think I'm going to ignore him for awhile. I think in general I'm just so sick of the whole OC culture and snobbish attitudes. This is yet another reason why I don't want to move here. Labels: Alex, rants, Work related |
After we talked about this earlier today I started thinking about all the OC clients I've worked with...they're the same way.
You just need to get it go, babe. Oh, be pissed at Alex for sure, but you don't need to stress about what he says. You're doing it right by living at home and saving.
I think you're tres cool, babe. And I'm the only one that counts, right? :P
Love you!