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Tuesday, April 22, 2008 |
I'm obsessed with Ash again. So ever since I realized that Ash's book is coming out this year and I wasn't caught up to speed in the series, I've been reading Devil May Cry this week. Honestly, I totally forgot about most of the storylines in the previous however-many books. Something about Daimons, Dark-Hunters, Apollymi, blah blah. Whatever. And in DMC, the story is about Sin and Kat, which yah, it's alright, but whatever.
I'm not completely done with DMC (so please don't spoil), but let me just make this one quick comment on Sin: Is it just me or does he totally not live up to the expectation as laid out in the beginning of the book? He's supposed to be "crazy as hell... he's a vicious bastard who tolerates absolutely no one near him..." etc. Umm, he didn't seem so badass to me. Am I right?
I have nothing against Kat, I actually like her and I found it funny when Sin got mad at her for not telling him the truth about how he lost his godhood powers; she basically just shrugged it off and said big deal, then told him to go man up. Correct me if I'm wrong, that's how I interpreted it, but that is freakin hilarious.
Anyway, on to Ash.
Dude. I remember loving him in the beginning of the series, then sorta feeling meh about him after those stupid bed games Artie would play with him. But I'll admit, I'm loving him all over again. I can't believe Kat is his daughter though. That's not how I would've wanted it to be, but oh well, cest la vie. He's no different, except for the fact that he's now like this... hot dad.
I have issues. I really do. I think about Ash, and I swear I get a tingle down my spine. :) Oh be quiet, you know what I'm talkin about.Labels: Romance book related |
posted by Daphne @ 9:50 PM |
First - HA! I WAS RIGHT! Kat is his daughter. neener to all those peeps who said I was wrong. LOL
Second - HOT DAD?? I hadn't thought about it that way before...YUM! Why did you have to bring that up?
Yah, I can't remember which book we first saw Kat, but I do remember you mentioning that Holly. Sorry, did I spoil it for you? Not sure if you read DMC.
Zeek - I totally feel you. All about Ash. I love him.
Yeah, didn't know Kat was Ash's daughter. Oops. LOL
I'm so behind on this series. I need to catch up.
It was great reading someone else explaining how I've been feeling about this series AND Ash. I've been hanging on just to read his book so I'm not totally clueless when it comes out, but it's been agony.
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First - HA! I WAS RIGHT! Kat is his daughter. neener to all those peeps who said I was wrong. LOL
Second - HOT DAD?? I hadn't thought about it that way before...YUM! Why did you have to bring that up?