I'm unassigned for a few days this week. I can't recall ever being unassigned at work since my staff year four years ago. I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise, given the economic turmoil, but honestly, it IS a surprise to me. And it's frustrating. I hope this isn't sounding like complaining, because I thank God every day I still have a job. I just dislike that everyone is on pins and needles right now, wondering who is going to get cut soon. If the firm is smart, they will cut people based on performance, not recent chargeable hours. Because believe me, I've been begging for work to do. Yes, begging. Even begging people in the LA office for work. And apparently I'm not the only one. We have so many people wandering around the office unassigned, trying to beat their high score on minesweeper. So basically I have to get in line. Then there was that talk I had this morning with HR re: my possible transfer to Sydney. This is the response I got. "I contacted someone from that office and she said they're going through the same thing as we are, so I'm not too optimistic about getting a transfer soon." Well spit. Now what do I do? I really really don't want to have to move to a new country AND get a new job outside the firm. That's too much change for me to handle. I'm not ready to leave, not when I'm this close to making manager. And I'm not a risk taker. My cousin recently moved to another state without having secured a job first. Thankfully she did find a job within a month, but man, talk about being ballsy. I can't see myself doing that. So here I am, sitting in the office, doing my ethics exam. Another disappointing and frustrating task. It's a freakin take home exam, 50 multiple choice and I needed a 90% to pass. I just got an 82%. How lame is that? The worst part is that the results don't tell you which ones you got wrong, so what if I go back and change answers to questions that were already correct? Oh man. That's it. Screw this worrying. I'm going to yoga. Labels: Work related |
Oh noes! That's some sucky news about the transfer. Hang on a bit though. I'm optimistic things will get better through the summer. Your cousin moving without a job. Major cojones in this job market.