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Only My Mother
Monday, May 12, 2008

Would suggest I move out... next door.

I know I say this every year, but I really think this is the year that I'm going to be a homeowner. A few weeks ago my dad and I started house hunting and I almost ended up buying a unit for a newly built condo. I didn't go through with it only because the 2br 2 ba unit I wanted was the last one available and already sold to a couple signing the paperwork (they ended up getting the financing approval too).

Probably a good thing though for it woulda been crazy had I bought something on my first day of house hunting. Anyway, the reason I think this is the year, is not so much that I'm dying to move out, but I just feel that it's time. The market seems to be in a place where it's a good time to buy, I've saved up enough since working the last four years, and my parents want to make another investment for tax benefit purposes.

But only my mother would suggest this bogus idea, to live next door. I guess my neighbors are moving out, and have had an open house sign for quite some time. We initially knew their selling price was over half a million, and well, that's just too darn much. I stopped seeing the open house sign and apparently the decision is now in the hands of the bank who will choose the highest bidder. The highest bid right now is $440k. So here comes my mom rushing in the house to inform me she just spoke to the neighbor...

Mom: Daphne. I think we should buy our neighbor's house.

Me: What? I'm not living next door.

Mom: Why not? You already live in the next room.

Me: Mom, that's different. I'm not going to move out only to live next door.

Mom: Why? It's a good place to raise your kids and start a family. Plus when you have kids it will be easier for us to help babysit.

Me: Dude, I'm not going to have kids any time soon. I'm not even dating.

And so on it went. I mean, I kind of get what she's saying in the long run... but dude. It's Next. Door. You know I'll end up having no privacy, so what's the point in moving out then? N. O. Not going to happen. They can buy the place if they want, but I'd rather rent it out and continue living here than tell everyone that "I'm moving out" and later confess it's next door.


posted by Daphne @ 9:14 PM  
  • At 10:39 PM, Blogger Rosie said…

    I'm shaking my head and nodding along about the housing market and seeing how this is a good time to buy for you. Then I got to the next door part and, as a Mom, I had to laugh. I know it's not funny to you, but such wishful thinking for us Moms. Out of the house, but close by. Real close by. Stick to your guns. Weird I know, but I had a very good vibe reading this. You are going to find something fabulous.

  • At 4:22 AM, Blogger nath said…

    LOL, see, we're the opposite :D that's probably something I would do, buy a house next door or at least, very close... and then, my parents would be: move!

    however, i understand why you wouldn't want to move next door. I hope you find your dream house/condo unit :D

  • At 7:13 AM, Blogger Isabel said…

    It'll be like everyone loves Raymond. lol.

    Actually, Joey and I would love to live in my old neighborhood. But we'd have live at least a few blocks away from my parents. That would be weird living next door.

  • At 11:28 AM, Blogger Holly said…

    My mom says I'm not allowed to live more than 20 miles from her in any direction. So I'm with you, girl. :P

    I have a good feeling about you getting a house this year, too.


    Oh, and don't cave and move next door. That sort of defeats the purpose. LOL

  • At 10:40 PM, Blogger Daphne said…

    Rosie - Thanks, I hope I find something good too. I can understand where you're coming from as a parent, mom actually has a better chance of keeping me nearby since I'm the girl. My brother on the other hand, not so much. You think your boys will stay relatively near when they go to college?

    Nath - Haha! Wanna swap?

    Isabel - Dude, I know, everyone keeps saying Everybody Loves Raymond to me. I think living near parents is great once you have your own children, but for me, I'm far from that stage. So when you start having children, I'll be the first to agree that you probably should move to your old neighborhood. =)

    Holly - 20 miles? That's actually not bad considering it's DW. I was thinking out loud at dinner tonight for possible roommates and I said "I could live with so and so... or another option..." Mom chimes in... "another option, mom and dad." I just shook my head. She's outta control.

  • At 11:03 PM, Blogger Kat said…

    Reminds me of the last scene in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

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