I've only had 3 crushes my entire life. One was a minor crush from 7th-10th grade. Second was "
Nick", 11th grade. And third was
Benny, sophomore year college. So I haven't really had a crush in over 5 years. Well, I'm back in the game baby, and let me tell you, it's scary and exciting to be going through this again. Although I've matured over the years, I've noticed that that "feeling" hasn't changed. You know what I'm talking about... that giddy, exciting, giggling all the time feeling. Man, I feel like a high school kid all over again! But instead of writing down everything about my crush on Hello Kitty stationary to share with my friends, I've decided to document it here, and make updates as the time goes by. Should be fun. So let's start.... (updated to reflect newer posts on top)
May 18, 2007 - We're going to Disneyland! So my firm is
having its annual Disneyland day. Basically I get to bring one guest (which in the past was Benny) and we get in for free (including free lunch picnic). So of course I immediately thought of Rob but I was hesitant to ask. Why? I dunno, for me Disneyland is kind of a big deal. It's one of my favorite places to go, despite the long lines, crowded eating areas, etc. It's where Benny and I first admitted our "more than friendship" feelings for each other. And I want to take things slow with Rob, see where this friendship is going. Anyway, I finally asked if he was free that day and he said he'd love to go! Ahhhhh!!! I'm so giddy it's not even funny. The bad news is that he has to leave for another event he's going to at 7pm, but whatever, I'll take what I can get. Just to spend some time with him. So yay for Daphne!! I can't wait.May 11, 2007 - The picture! Our mutual friend was throwing a party. He said he'd be there so of course I showed up, despite really wanting to go swing dancing that night. I brought my camera, and was able to take a really great pic of the two of us. And since I've uploaded the camera pics to my computer, I've probably looked at that pic 25 times in two days. LOL!
May 4, 2007 - Second Date?: I was just about to shut down my computer at work today, and got this email from Rob:
Let's get together again sometime... maybe next weekend or the following weekend?
I decided to not respond and just shut down my computer and leave work. Can't let him think I'm too eager. So we'll see what happens next. I might just call him.
May 2, 2007 - Cinnamon Rolls: I was meeting my cousin after work to have dinner and I told him 6pm sharp! Well, I ended up being the one

late, and he called me twice while I was getting in my car, and while I was on the road. When I got to the restaurant I was so frustrated I couldn't find parking and the phone rang again. I answered in a rude tone "Hello!" (about ready to shout, yah yah I'm coming, I'm just parking. sheesh!)
Hey Daphne!Uhhhhh, WHO IS THIS?
What? You don't know who this is? Don't you have caller ID?Umm, I'm in my car driving, I have you on speaker. Sorry, who is this?
(I glance down really quick and oh shit, it's Rob!)
It's me Rob, your best friend!Oh gosh, sorry! I thought you were my cousin. Sorry, can I call you back in 2 seconds? I'm parking my car right now.
Sure(30 seconds later)
Hey Daph!Hi Rob, sorry about that, that was really rude of me.
Haha, it's okay. So what are you up to tonight?I'm having dinner with my cousin, why?
Well I'm gonna hang out with some friends tonight, thought if you were in town you might wanna hang out. We're just going to chill, have some cinnamon rolls. Hahaha! Cinammon rolls? That's pretty random. But man that sounds good right now, I'm starving. But I'm actually not in town, by the time I get back it will be late.
Aww, well maybe next time then. Yah sorry! Okay take care.
So that was the gist of our conversation. By the time I walked in the restaurant, I was like wishing I hadn't agreed to have dinner with my cousin. After all, he lives right around the corner from me! haha. Then again, this might be good because now Rob won't think I'm a total loser that never has any plans. Too bad he had to mention cinnamon rolls though. Just thinking about all that warm gooey frosting..... LOL! Yah yah shut up!
May 1, 2007 - Yes, we can be friends: I sent him an email this morning

just saying hi and asking how his weekend went. Rob said he went to a big singles conference and had a good time. Okay, being like any normal "friend," I said "so, did ya meet anyone you're interested in?" Why did I do that? I have no idea. Maybe I wanted to prove that I could treat this casually and we could be buddies. Bad idea. I spent the whole day antsy and checking my email every hour for his reply. He finally got back to me saying he did meet two gals he was interested in, but they were roommates living in the bay area. Okay, no big deal. I didn't get jealous or anything, I was just freakin happy he wrote back. LOL! He ended his email saying
Random Q: Have you ever played Scrabble before?(This is the part where Daphne hopes he's asking that b/c he's gonna invite her to "hang out" and play Scrabble with him)
April 24, 2007 - Exchanging personal emails: He randomly sent me an email today telling me about some job opportunities at his company. I said sure I'd check it out, but I asked that given the subject matter, he email me at my other email addy, and not my work one. So he emailed me from his personal email addy too. (hehe, yes I DID plan for this to happen)
April 23, 2007 - Second encounter: He came by after work to return my sunglasses. I was just leaving the building and decided to move my car out of the structure to the open lot so that he could see me by the time he got there. Well, as I headed out of the structure, I saw him circling the parking lot. I pulled up beside him and honked. Haha, yah looking back on it now, that was probably rude but I didn't know how else to get his attention. We both parked, then he got out and I went over there. We greeted each other with a hug and a quick "so how are you?" Unfortunately I had dinner plans so I had to bail, but it was good to see him again, and get my sunglasses back! (no, I did not plan all of this)
April 21, 2007 - Shades: I got an email from him Saturday with

the subject "Shades".
I found some sweet sunglasses on my dash this morning....you don't
happen to know whose they are, do you? ;)
PS - let me know if you'd like them back pretty quickly.....if you're in
the area, I'm sure we could meet up somewhere..Okay, now Daphne is starting to get a little giddy...
April 20, 2007 - The "non-date" date: I blogged about this
April 13, 2007 - The scene of the crime: open mic night at a

friend's house. I noticed "Rob" sitting next to my friend
Dylan, so I figured I'd introduce myself and just make random chit chat with a "new friend." I don't remember many details of that night, except that I did think Rob was cute. Then again, there were a ton of cute lookin guys that night. So honestly, I didn't think twice about it.
Daphne has a crush! Daphne has a crush!