13 things to do before my Atlanta vacation 1. Finish my audit. I pretty much need to be done by Sept. 7th and I'm leaving the next day for Atlanta. Talk about cutting it close. :(
2. Change my voicemail and out of office email reply. Last time I took a mini vacation I forgot to do this, and that was disastrous. I also have to remember to tell people I just flat out won't be checking my emails, so they'll get off my back.
3. Get a haircut.
4. Download some ebooks to my ebookwise. Gotta love the ebookwise reader. Now I can save some space in my luggage.
5. Confirm flight and hotel reservation.
6. Buy a new phone charger. All I have right now is my car charger. Dang, if I don't get a home charger, I'm screwed.
7. Call my friend Patti. I'm going to Atlanta for the first few days to hang out with my mom while my dad is at his work seminars, then I'm off to see Patti. Still not sure what day I'm going to see her though, or what we're gonna be doing (besides bookshopping of course).
8. Submit my timesheet for the following week. I always forget to do this for week vacations. I can't afford to be on the late submission list at work.
9. Find baseball tickets. I think there might be a Braves game the Sunday I first arrive. I should look that up and see if I can still get tickets.
10. Buy Katie a birthday present. This is Patti's daughter. I totally missed her birthday a few weeks ago.
11. Buy Madeline a present. Patti's other daughter. Just because you know how kids are, she might be upset if I bring a gift for Katie and not her.
12. Open all mail and pay bills.
13. Do laundry and pack.
Labels: Thursday Thirteen |
You lucky bum!!! You'll have so much fun there. i'm jealous. :)